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Here you will find all the information you need to stay up to date on immigration

At Odunlami Law we will deliver you all the useful resources, information, and daily news you need to successfully understand and navigate the immigration system in the United States.
T Visa Stories of Control and Exploitation in Work
T Visa Stories of Control and Exploitation in Work
We understand immigrants’ complex challenges in New Jersey and the United States. Many come to...
Supreme Court Says a Citizen Does Not Have a Constitutio nally Protected Interest in Spouse’s Admission to the-img
Supreme Court Says a Citizen Does Not Have a Constitutionally Protected Interest in Spouse’s Admission to the U.S.
The U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled that a U.S. citizen whose husband was denied admission to the United...
How To Stop Deportation- Prosecutorial Discretion-img
How To Stop Deportation: Prosecutorial Discretion
Facing the possibility of deportation through removal proceedings is frightening, but the team at Odunlami...
VAWA Petitioner-img
VAWA Petitioner
At Odunlami Law Firm, LLC we are diving into a crucial pathway for immigration that many might not be...
Winning Your VAWA Case-img
Winning Your VAWA Case
At Odunlami Law Firm, LLC, we are dedicated to sharing insights on topics that matter deeply to us and...
USCIS Will Think Your Marriage Is Fake If Y ou Don’t Pay Attention To These 5 Things-img
USCIS Will Think Your Marriage Is Fake If You Don’t Pay Attention To These 5 Things
At Odunlami Law Firm, we understand the complexities and challenges couples face going through the immigration...
Tight Restrictions at the Mexican Border- Biden Administration Suspends Entry, Limits Asylum Eligibility, and Increases Penalties for Unauthorized Entry-img
Tight Restrictions at the Mexican Border: Biden Administration Suspends Entry, Limits Asylum Eligibility, and Increases Penalties for Unauthorized Entry
In a move that has been anticipated for some time, the Biden Administration issued a proclamation and...
Biden Administration Effectively Shuts Down the Southern Border and Restricts Asylum Opportunities-img
Biden Administration Effectively Shuts Down the Southern Border and Restricts Asylum Opportunities
Even though the government had been discussing the move for some time, it still comes as a shock to many....
What is Prima Facie Determination?
From the Odunlami Law Firm, LLC, we’re addressing a vital topic for many clients going through the U.S....
Factors That Make USCIS Suspect of Possible Marriage Fraud
Factors That Make USCIS Suspect of Possible Marriage Fraud
We are dedicated to assisting immigrants from all 50 states as they explore the complexities of U.S....
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Schedule a consultation with an immigration attorney and get your case started today.
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