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Here you will find all the information you need to stay up to date on immigration

At Odunlami Law we will deliver you all the useful resources, information, and daily news you need to successfully understand and navigate the immigration system in the United States.
How Does VAWA Affect the Abuser
How Does VAWA Affect the Abuser
Immigrants who are victims of abuse are often faced with the dilemma or fear of what they can do to get...
Domestic Violence Protections for Immigrants How to get a Green Card
Domestic Violence Protections for Immigrants: How to get a Green Card
It’s essential to raise awareness about domestic violence, its impact on survivors, and the resources...
Does Moving Affect Your Immigration Case?
Does Moving Affect Your Immigration Case?
Moving is a stressful time in anyone’s life, so it’s completely understandable that if you...
How to Avoid Denial of Your VAWA case
How to Avoid Denial of Your VAWA case
For those of you who have recently had your VAWA case denied or are afraid that your VAWA case could...
VAWA: How Victims of Abuse Can Get Additional Resources from HUD
Recently, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced that they would provide...
Can Your Abusive Spouse or Partner Get You Deported?
Can Your Abusive Spouse or Partner Get You Deported?
Understandably, sometimes relationships don’t work out for specific reasons. However, if you are...
How to Prove Your Abuser is a United States Citizen or (Lawful Permanent Resident) LPR
How to Prove Your Abuser is a United States Citizen or (Lawful Permanent Resident) LPR
As an immigration attorney, I work with many clients in helping them with correctly filing for VAWA and...
VAWA Checklist For A Successful VAWA Petition
VAWA Checklist for a Successful VAWA petition
As an immigration law firm, we work with clients in all 50 states who need assistance with their VAWA...
How to get a U-Visa | U Visa for Victims of a Crime
Immigrants are, unfortunately, often victims of crimes. These victims of crimes are often valuable witnesses...
How Do I Get My Permanent Green Card if My Spouse Refuses to Help Me?
A question that I often get asked is, how can I get my green card if my spouse refuses to help me? Typically...
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Schedule a consultation with an immigration attorney and get your case started today.
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