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Breaking Immigration News: COVID-19 Vaccine Requirement for Green Card Applicants


Hello, this is Ifeoma Odunlami. I’m an immigration attorney from the Odunlami Law Firm, where we fight for fellow immigrants and their American dream.

Today, I have some immigration news that I want to share with people who are applying for green cards. And the news is this. Starting October 1st, 2021 intending immigrants who are applying for a green card will be required to take the full COVID vaccination in order to pass the immigration medical exam. So this applies to people who are just in that status within the United States or people who are applying through the consulates abroad.

So what this means is, in order for you to pass your medical exam, you must have taken the vaccination, the COVID-19 vaccination. Of course, this is subject to exceptions. There will be blanket waivers given to people who are too young to take the vaccination, or who can show that there’s some medical contraindications to them taking the vaccination. And for those people who are objecting to taking it based on moral or religious grounds, you will be required to submit a request for a waiver, and then USCIS would determine if you will be granted that waiver.

So basically, if you have not taken your COVID-19 vaccination, it will cause some delay in your application. So I’m going to urge you to go ahead and get this done so that you can get ready to go through your process and get your green card.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (973) 993-1900. My name is Ifeoma Odunlami. I’m at the Odunlami Law Firm in New Jersey, but my firms serves clients in all 50 states and abroad. Thank you.


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