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T Visas for Victims of Sex Trafficking

If you or someone you know is the victim of sex trafficking in the United States, you don’t have to suffer in silence. Odunlami Law Firm is ready to help you explore all of the immigration law options available to you, including leveraging the broad protections of the T visa.

A Powerful Legal Tool for Immigrant Victims of Sex Trafficking

According to recent estimates, between 15,000 and 50,000 women and children are subjected to sexual slavery every year in the U.S. Because these events are difficult to track, the actual amount of sex trafficking victims may even be much higher than that.

T (trafficking) visas are powerful legal instruments designed to help victims of sex trafficking who are immigrants remove themselves from danger while continuing to live and work in the U.S.—in safety.

A T visa can give you:

  • A fresh start: Whatever situation you are in, a T visa can pull you out of it, allowing you to leave the dangerous people and circumstances in which you have been trapped.
  • Protection from deportation: A T visa allows you to stay in the U.S. for up to four years without fear of deportation. This period can be extended, if necessary, during the investigation or prosecution of the trafficking crimes you were a victim of, or if your presence is needed for exceptional circumstances.
  • The right to work: With a T visa, you will obtain employment authorization and the right to work in the United States. This can give you the financial independence you need to rebuild your life, support yourself and your family, and pursue new opportunities that were previously out of reach.
  • Access to public benefits: Federal and state benefits such as food and housing assistance and unemployment are designed to help people like you. With a T visa, you no longer have to live in the shadows and out of the helping reach of these programs.
  • A path to a green card: For many, a T visa has served as the starting point to a green card, permanent resident status and even citizenship. Once on this track, you can invite loved ones from your home country to join you through family immigration visas.

With more than 20 years of experience, attorney Ifeoma Odunlami knows how to use U.S. immigration laws to help you seize all of the benefits of a T visa. As an immigrant herself, she understands the profound personal stakes of these cases.

Sex Trafficking and Immigration: Do You Qualify for a T Visa?

As powerful as the protections of T visas are, they are not open to everyone. In order to qualify, you must be:

A Victim of Severe Trafficking

You must be a victim of severe trafficking in order to qualify for a T visa. In regard to T visas based on sex trafficking, this means the trafficking must be:

  • Induced by fraud, force or coercion, or
  • Perpetrated against someone who is below the age of 18

In the U.S. Because of Trafficking

You must be physically present in the U.S., including any of the 50 states, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, or at any port of entry. Your presence in the U.S. must be the result of trafficking.

Willing to Help Law Enforcement

You must be willing to assist law enforcement in the investigation of the sex trafficking crimes, unless you are under the age of 18 or such participation will cause you extreme trauma. Your cooperation may entail providing testimony, appearing at trial, and telling law enforcement officials details about your experience.

In Danger in Your Home Country

You must demonstrate that you would face severe harm if you were deported or removed to your home country. This harm could take many forms, including retaliation, physical abuse, re-traumatization, and vulnerability to re-trafficking.

Before applying for a T visa, gather as much evidence for these eligibility requirements as you can, including statements detailing your trafficking experience, police reports, medical evidence, and identification.

Not sure if you qualify for a T visa based on sex trafficking? An experienced T visa immigration lawyer can help you better understand these eligibility requirements and how they apply in your unique circumstances.

Is Someone You Know Being Trafficked?

Sex trafficking is often hard to identify. Signs that someone you know is being trafficked may include:

  • Unexplained injuries
  • Malnourishment and poor health
  • Constantly deferring to an authority figure for permission to do things
  • Fear or nervousness around certain individuals
  • Restricted freedom to make their own schedule or move freely
  • Inconsistent stories about their work or living situation that don’t add up

If you suspect someone you know is the victim of sex trafficking, proceed with care. Gather evidence and documentation without placing the victim at further risk. Avoid direct confrontation with the perpetrator.

Contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline (1-888-373-7888 in the U.S.) or local law enforcement. If your friend or loved one could benefit from immigration law services, talk to an experienced attorney.

Your help could be the first step toward an immigrant victim of sex trafficking obtaining a T visa and all of the benefits that come with it.

Odunlami Law Can Help Victims of Migrant Sex Trafficking

Victims of sex trafficking have a proven and trusted ally in Odunlami Law. We understand what you are going through and we are here to help. Contact us today to speak with an immigration law attorney who truly has your best interests at heart.

Schedule a consultation with an immigration attorney and get your case started today.
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